Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thoughts on Going Silver

There's an adage that says you shouldn't grow out your natural hair color until you're ready to look your age. The truth is I've colored my hair for so long that when I started to think about growing it out, I didn't even know what my natural hair color was. I knew it wasn't the golden brown with two tones of blonde highlights that I'd been wearing, but my silver roots always seemed like a problem to take care of, not something I'd let flow out of my scalp.

Then I turned 65 and reality checked in with me. It pointed out that my silver roots were a clue to the color of my hair without dye. So obvious, right? I began to see that having totally silver hair might be really lovely and freeing.

I have a friend, Jenny MacLaggan, who is probably ten years younger than I am. She's lively, has great style, is in shape, and lots of fun. She cut her hair short and grew out her color, which turned out to be salt and pepper with a swath of white in front. It looks fabulous! And what about Michelle Abrams? She grew hers out and looks like she has relaxed into the fullness of her amazingly artistic, creative, intellectual self.

I also looked at my mom who has been complimented on her naturally platinum hair for as long as I can remember. She tells me things like, "A man at the restaurant today stopped to ask me if my hair color is natural, that it looks so beautiful." She's turning 93, so having white hair isn't totally unexpected, but it does look beautiful. So, I told myself, "Self, your hair might look gorgeous like your mom's if you give it a chance!" And while I don't want to look like my mom (since she's almost 93), and having men stop to talk about my hair in restaurants sounds awkward, I do admire her hair color.

I decided to give it a go. I looked at it as a midlife (if I live to be 130) opportunity for change. This would be a daring transformation that would cost me less than nothing. And if I didn't like it after I grew it out, my hair stylist would be thrilled to welcome me back to the coloring chair.

Six months ago I started the adventure and I'm so glad I did. It's true that I look my age, which is actually a relief because now I can embrace the years I've earned. Good for me that I'm 65! People say you're only as old as you feel, and I feel 65 - in the nicest possible way. I'm glad I no long have the pressure of trying to look like I'm younger than I am. I feel free to be my age and enjoy it, whatever that might look like.

Here are some thoughts to share with you on going silver. Ponder the wisdom, dear friends. Your roots might be trying to talk to you!

1.  Call your new hair color silver, not grey.
2.  Notice women with attractive silver hair and talk to them about it.
3.  Believe the fact that going silver is a trend, because it is!
4.  Don't give up until your color is all the way grown out; a short haircut helps.
5.  Enjoy not having roots! Yea!
6.  Buy clothes and makeup in colors that go with your new look.
7.  Rejoice over the time you're saving by not going to the salon every three weeks.
8.  Open a savings account for the money you're saving by not coloring your hair.
9.  Embrace the idea that you earned your silver hair.
10. Gather compliments by pointing out your silver hair to everyone in your life.
11. Have fun on your hair adventure!


  1. Loved your reflections on going "silver" and the picture of you and your mom. I did highlights for about a year some fifteen years ago and quickly embraced the genetic hair color. We called my dad "the silver fox." I heartily agree with all 11 of you recommendations and regularly gather compliments on my increasingly salt and pepper hair. Hope to see you on a walk or around Point Loma. (Sue Martin)

  2. Thanks, Sue! I just saw your note. I'm adding you to my list of inspirational - inspired - women. I love being free from the time, money, toxins, and trouble of monthly hair appointments. Yea! Hope to see you soon :)
